Paris, September 2013. Doors are one of the first prehension lessons: the growing child stands on tiptoe to reach the handle and open what prevents access to the rest of the world. Domesticated and thus humanized cats do the same. […]
Nantes, september 2013. All participants did not attend this fascinating biennial conference simultaneously. Some of them have been there since the first day, others arrived later due to diverse reasons. Some attended the whole conference, participating in plenary and semi-plenary […]
Clamart, August 2013. Signature is both an amazing written object and an amazing scriptural gesture. We can experience it almost everyday, as we pay with a cheque, as we receive a parcel, as we check at the kids’ workbooks at […]
Rotterdam, August 2013 ” Leave a comment ” may you read under this text and that image. Electronic contemporary spaces often established interaction as a central principle , the host receiving comments from readers responding, or, when things went wrong, […]