Urban settings are made of so familiar components that we do not pay any attention to them: crosswalks, traffic lines, bike lanes, parking lots, bus lanes… only become salient when we miss them and we consider that their presence should […]
Through the ages, car has been object of numerous innovations. Of course, the engine power, noise and consumption as well as the optimal forms of the coachwork have been the focus of reflexions for a long time. Then more recently, […]
Since he announced he was on the move to Yale, his colleagues have been telling him how lucky he was, he would see what he was going to see: a place to know for real at last, with its campus […]
The floor is covered with pieces of bark, giving this part of the park a unique appearance. Here there is no grass: just a carpet made of plant fragments and some large pines. Nearby, there is an outdoor concert which […]
As soon as we are talking about work, we usually associate writing practices to hierarchy, and more generally to prescriptions and their circulation. As if there were two distinct worlds: that of official, regulatory, formal texts and that of gestures, […]
We have often written about it here, street signs are fascinating objects for whom is interested in the scriptural shaping of the world. Essential supports of the demand for mobility that characterizes our urban settings, they take a part in […]
One can imagine that in the past kids used to hand them out downtown, shouting out the latest news. Nowadays, in New York, and since at least twenty years, newspapers have nor voice neither face, but a pretty box. Some […]
Road-marking, traffic lines, and criss-cross delineate specific zones devoted to the circulation and the use of space. They organize public settings so obviously that we almost do not pay any attention to them. It is only in particular apprenticeship situations […]
Paris, décembre 2009. Les espaces publics sont bien souvent rendus accessibles et circulables à l’aide de petits objets graphiques qui les organisent : une pancarte ici, un marquage au sol là. Un tel ordonnancement définit de manière assez rigoureuse les voies […]
Paris, mars 2010. Je range mon vélo à côté des poubelles dans la cour de l’université ; j’aime les poubelles, c’est de famille : mon père après avoir travaillé à chercher des gisements de houilles dans nos sous-sols, a passé la dernière […]