Marseille, June 2020. At the base of the building, under a series of balconies, is a higher space covered with stones set in cement. It is unclear whether its vocation was aesthetic, undoubtedly missed, or security, as much as it […]
Marseille, April 2020. The street was, of course, empty, confinement required. With the sun hitting it directly, the sign built on an railway company right-of-way was all the more visible with its white background. The huge letters and the two-colour […]
Sesquières, august 2019. Lead sunshine and excessive temperature, the heat wave is well settled. When I get to the waterhole, I only want one thing: to take a swim! Although stunned by the heat and the blurring of vision, I […]
Marseille, October 2019 The grey grids are familiar, everywhere they are present with their “danger of death” warnings, intended to avoid any intrusion. The power distribution is extremely standardized, not only in terms of frequency and voltage, but also in […]
Marseille, octobre 2019 Day after day, on the way to school, the message is less and less readable. The sheets that were glued yesterday are now flying and soon the last ones will leave, leaving behind the grey and empty […]
Marseilles, June 2019 It started with the noise of the compressor, unexpected in the middle of the afternoon in this quiet street. As it continued, intermittently, we looked out of the window to discover the unique device that caused it, […]
Marseille, May 2019. The official billboards for election posters appeared a few months ago. They were quickly overwhelmed by the portrait of a putative candidate… in next year’s municipal elections, before the material and symbolic order of electoral competition seemed […]
Toulouse, avril 2018. La première inscription date des années 1980. Petite et inscrite en noir à la bombe, elle est restée seule pendant plusieurs mois, trônant tel un trophée conquis à la barbe des propriétaires. Puis d’autres sont progressivement apparues […]
Marseilles, April 2019 The common parts of the building are usually cold, utilitarian, empty: they are only made to pass by and deliberately avoid any form of personalization. And then, one day, small black, brown, red and white stickers nestled […]