It’s always the same with machines: they’re badly thought of. Especially among historians and sociologists. As if humanities meant defense of humanoids. And above all, as if a clear line could be drawn to separate humans and machines. On one […]
She has been literate for only 8 years, she enjoys reading at the point of sometimes refrain from entering a bookseller ‘not to interfere with her schoolwork’, she devours books the same way she eats Nutella or potato chips, she […]
Through the ages, car has been object of numerous innovations. Of course, the engine power, noise and consumption as well as the optimal forms of the coachwork have been the focus of reflexions for a long time. Then more recently, […]
As soon as we are talking about work, we usually associate writing practices to hierarchy, and more generally to prescriptions and their circulation. As if there were two distinct worlds: that of official, regulatory, formal texts and that of gestures, […]
One purchase, one small piece of paper. In this world, each deal is not simply the exchange of goods for an amount of money : it also ends with the printing of a sale receipt. Their destiny is multiple. Some are […]
I tried different possibilities, I tested several options, but nothing worked. I turned the problem upside down, but I couldn’t find a solution. Even the elementary things seemed to be insuperable. Ideas became more and more confused, intermingled, they piled […]
We will never see his medical file — we assume it is as thick as a court record — with its multicolored sheets, the accounts of the dozen of blood tests that made a mess of his arms every day, the printed […]
Who are we? Lots of researchers and poets have been working on the deconstruction and the enrichment of our mundane definition of idendity. They have notably shown that whether we are in-dividuals, it is essentially when we face police, law, […]
A name, one thing. One category, one entity. One barcode, one product. Mineral, plant or animal, each element is subject to classification principles and naming systems. One can easily circulate from words to things and vice versa thanks to a […]
Road-marking, traffic lines, and criss-cross delineate specific zones devoted to the circulation and the use of space. They organize public settings so obviously that we almost do not pay any attention to them. It is only in particular apprenticeship situations […]