Montpellier, December 2019. In this congested storeroom in the operating room, the surgeons are practising their new robot adorned with a thousand virtues. Around this surprising man-machine arrangement, they piled up medical equipment that they no longer knew where to […]
Arles, July 2019. To obtain a photo is to compose a frame, an exposure, to modify the image whether in silver or digital form, to make a print on a specific paper, in a suitable format, with a frame. To […]
Paris, May 2019. The thin vehicle quickly became commonplace in our streets: the urban electric scooter at your disposal is the purest liberated mobility. Starting from where you want, going where you wish, by the route of your choice, with […]
Marseille, February 2019 There was a time when the purchase of furniture was made through visits to specialized stores, exchanges with salespeople and a delivery of the chosen table and chairs some time later. Now, the delegation to consumers is […]
Our guest : Florence Paterson Rome, november 2017. Cimitero Acattolico. No doubt the serenity of the place and the beautiful sunlight filtering through the vegetation make it a desirable last home. This “non-Catholic” cemetery near Porta San Paolo, mentioned in […]
Paris, february 2014. There is a tendency to believe that some things resist the writing powers. Irony, for example, or innuendo. Stripped of gestures and intonation, sentences would not fully bring out in their readers this fine form of understanding […]
One can easily forget the immense range of games that are practiced in playgrounds. Football, marbles, tag are just the tip of the iceberg. Of all the things invented during these precious minutes of endless possibilities, the ephemeral reigns. The […]
Paris, May 2018. There are erudite notation systems to record human movement, like Meunier’s steno-choreography for classical ballet, and above all labanotation for modern dance and Benesh notation. The purpose of these so-called universal descriptions is, on the one hand, […]
Second-hand records that you’re willing to buy generally share at least three criteria: they are records that you don’t already own (at a certain point, you’ll need a database you can browse on your phone to be sure), records that […]
Singapore, february 2017. On your daily journeys, you regularly encounter stairs. In a building, a shopping mall, the subway corridors, a historic building, or even an university campus… Sometimes abrupt and high, sometimes wide and spacious, the steps naturally follow […]