It’s easy to understand what signposts do to space. They help to transform it into places. Signs perform territories, jurisdictions, ie delimited portions of land that are not only named, but also organized, even politicized. Once you pass a sign, […]
Paris, February 2016 The ministry is still a great fortress extending over a block, even if its new entrance made of glass symbolized its openness to all citizens. After passing the security checks worthy of an airport, we arrived at […]
“Nobody walks in LA”, we all know that. Before going there, I used to think it was a matter of distance. That the point was actually nobody walks 10 miles to go to work. No one considers a two-hours tour […]
Paris, November 2015 The state of emergency implies a deployment of police and military forces throughout the country. Well, almost … because within the higher education and research institutions, they are hardly present. It shall not be taken as an […]
Clamart, june 2015. Nothing seems to be easier than to go swimming. You just have to jump into the water. Whether you are a good swimmer or not, whether you are dressed or not, it is that simple! Yet, the […]
When and where do we work? What used to be a very simple question is now a great matter a concern. Not only because a lot of workers have a mobile computer with which they can check their e-mails at […]
Milan, june 2015. The room is beautiful, yet empty but already illuminated, all dressed in red, and the stage seems so close. But to look at the balcony of the stall is not given to everyone when the show begins. […]
Paris, june 2015.
Paris, March 2015. Contemporary electronic spaces made us experience an economy of attention: if anyone can post notes, images, videos, comments in different public spaces, they then compete with the tens of millions of their siblings. The space they occupy […]