Paris, March 2015. Contemporary electronic spaces made us experience an economy of attention: if anyone can post notes, images, videos, comments in different public spaces, they then compete with the tens of millions of their siblings. The space they occupy […]
Paris, july 2011. The fluidity of the world rests on multiple connectors and numerous chambers. Among these flux regulators, doors are both a simple and sophisticated technology. Whatever its equipment and the world it opens to are, a door is […]
Bordeaux, February 2015. The French restaurant experience does not begin with white tablecloths and waiters dressed in black but starts out of the room, in front of a legal signage which has to be displayed with available food and drinks, […]
Paris, January 2015. In a wireless connected world everything appears smooth and seamless. One navigates almost simultaneously in several spaces upon the flat surface of a screen, being the one of a laptop, a smartphone or a touchpad. One jumps […]
On a highway, October 2012. For a similar price, buying a car goes hand in hand with a range of customization options dedicated to increase security, confort, even dwelling, during journeys. From this point of view, a car equals dreaming, […]
Minneapolis-Saint Paul Airport, june 2014. Flying is a strange experience from a temporal and spatial point of view: it is the fastest way to get from one point to another and yet it is one with the most waiting times. […]
Paris , March 2014 Individual printers have increased opportunities for signage : everyone can now print a sheet describing a warning here, there a request or an instruction . With the spread of color printing, a red CAREFUL now seems […]
Two years after the publication of the results of your research on signage, the regional transportation authority gives you a call. They would like to know if you’re interested in discussing their project of harmonization of the multiple wayfinding systems […]
Gouda , August 2013 The wetland intertwined channels, livestock and small winding roads. Here and there, houses remind us that there are still some inhabitants and not just cycling tourists admiring birds. And then, in a bend on the side […]
Paris, September 2013. Doors are one of the first prehension lessons: the growing child stands on tiptoe to reach the handle and open what prevents access to the rest of the world. Domesticated and thus humanized cats do the same. […]