When participating to a discussion or being involved in any kind of interaction, one is supposed to know and endorse the basic code of conduct: to be respectful and polite in any circumstances. That is what everyone expects! More: what […]
Urban settings are made of so familiar components that we do not pay any attention to them: crosswalks, traffic lines, bike lanes, parking lots, bus lanes… only become salient when we miss them and we consider that their presence should […]
In domestic spaces, as well as in public settings, explicit instructions for use directly attached to objects are rare. They are usally written on a separate document, possibly on the package protecting objects before their use. We surely all have […]
Signage, in subway spaces and elsewhere, is generally a matter of standards. Most signage designers think in terms of systems, components. The signboards are integrated into a coherent set of signs that have to be recognizable among the many other […]
To go always faster, always farther. Similar injunctions are regularly heard, and one knows the principle of competition that grounds them: even when taking part of the leaders, one has to fight against oneself to excel. Here stands the quality […]
This is not a surprise even he has been often criticized about it: the scriptopolian is obsessed with written objects. He always watch out for them, trying to understand their modes of presence. In order to tell tirelessly what writing […]
I tried different possibilities, I tested several options, but nothing worked. I turned the problem upside down, but I couldn’t find a solution. Even the elementary things seemed to be insuperable. Ideas became more and more confused, intermingled, they piled […]
Libraries have been constituting crucial repositories of information since centuries. After being locations reserved to particular powerful elites (clergy or royal courts) that restricted the circulation of certain books or even censured the content of others, libraries have been progressively […]
During a single day, we may very frequently move from one place to another, we may cross spaces fitted out in very different manners, we may be next to different entities. Yet, one generally does not attach importance to the […]
Learning how to eat is pre-eminentely a question of skills: to handle correctly various kitchenware, to lay on a first-rate meal, to sort out the sheep from the goats, and to adopt specific postures that fit with the manipulation of […]