The notion of “script” was coined by Madeleine Akrich to describe the way users, their partners and their environment are inscribed in objects themselves. The de-scription of objects allows notably to understand that competencies are not situated in users’ side only. Technical objects, their shape and their functionalities are full of implicit and explicit scenarios that presuppose certain preferences and, most of all, certain capabilities. This helped us to reconsider many taken-for-granted assumptions. Disabilities for instance may be apprehended, with such an approach, as the outcome of the action of certain “disabling” objects. Studying scripts and their evolution is thus a way to discover the role of objects and materials in inclusion and exclusion processes. And it also works for food. Some products, indeed, are more inclusive than others. And in an era of allergies and gluten intolerance, the explicitation of their scripts is a growing concern. In this juice a lot of very different users are inscribed. But it’s worthy to precise that, among all of them, it even contains vegans.