Being human
Who are we? Where do we come from? Where shall we go? It’s been centuries that these questions are addressed by most philosophical theories. Whether they claim to be or are labelled as evolutionist, existentialist, humanist, ethic, analytical… the very definition of a human being is still problematic. This puzzle is pending over and over again. The scriptopolian is then surprised, as well as somewhat amused, to see that these distinct propositions did not yet find the way. But the path definitely exits, and the solution is at hand: here, face to us. But what does precisely mean this “here”?
Version 1: Human being is here. At the end of the road. The arrow clearly shows it. No doubt remains. However, are we really ready to venture on this path? The answer to so many years of thinking seems to be too simple and too easy. Won’t we be disappointed by what we will find? Will curiosity be greater than fear or terror to finally face what we are? Are we sufficiently mature to confront the dialectic of sameness and ipseity?
Version 2: Human being is here. In the glance of the road sign. This is it what gives to all these marks the form of a word. This is it what turns the plaque into an arrow pointing to a direction. This is it what makes sense of this artifact. Without the interpretative capacities of a human being, this piece of metal wouldn’t tell anything. It would remain totally inert, without any kind of meaning.
Version 3: Human being is here. Neither in the pointed direction, nor in the interpretation. More simply, it is here, in the road sign itself. A human being is in the form of letters as well as in the materials that compose this enameled iron, made of ink and varnish, hung on a metal cylinder serving as its foot rest, well positioned to passersby, put up on the threshold of the road that is regularly maintained to avoid the inscription to be weed-infested. Years of know-how, doubts, controversies, and almost daily acts are meticulously folded into this road sign. One has only to get closer to hear the voices of those who continue to contribute to its existence.
Version 4: Human being is here. In these different versions that the Scriptopolis team submits to your attention during this summer.