Stellenbosch, January 2025
The capitalist organisation of markets creates choices for consumers. In this case, the plastic in the bottle is supposed to be non-toxic, just like its contents, even if the plastic pollution generated is also part of this framework. Labelling is one of the most regulated elements, with the composition on the side of the bottles and the fruit advertised on the front having to correspond to the content, even if it means using the all-encompassing category ‘other fruits’.
Beneath this description, in smaller letters, is an indication that also derives from a legal obligation:”Words indicating whether the fruit juice or drink has been sweetened or not, for example “unsweetened”, “artificially sweetened” etc. shall be declared on every main panel” using an absolute and relative minimum font size.
So, sweet or unsweet? Finally, photo done, I’ll get out of the dilemma and drink some water from my flask.